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Psychotherapy in English

Psychotherapy is a therapeutic process involving a trained professional, typically a psychologist or therapist, and an individual seeking support for emotional, behavioral, or psychological challenges. The goal of psychotherapy is to improve mental health, enhance self-awareness, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and promote positive changes in thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.


Description of Psychotherapy Process:

Psychotherapy typically involves a series of structured sessions that focus on exploring and addressing the individual's psychological concerns. These sessions can take place in various formats, such as one-on-one meetings, group settings, or online platforms. The psychotherapy process can be summarized as follows:


  1. Initial Assessment: The first session involves discussing the individual's background, concerns, and goals for therapy. The therapist gathers information to better understand the issues at hand.
  2. Establishing Rapport: Building a strong therapeutic relationship is essential. The therapist creates a safe and nonjudgmental environment where the individual can openly share their thoughts and feelings.
  3. Exploration and Insight: Subsequent sessions involve delving deeper into the individual's thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and experiences. The therapist helps the person gain insight into the underlying causes of their challenges.
  4. Goal Setting: Together with the therapist, the individual identifies specific goals for therapy. These goals guide the therapeutic process and provide a sense of direction.
  5. Techniques and Interventions: Depending on the therapeutic approach used, the therapist employs various techniques to help the individual address their concerns. These may include cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, behavioral exercises, and more.
  6. Skill Building: Therapy often involves teaching the individual practical skills and strategies to manage stress, regulate emotions, and improve overall well-being.
  7. Monitoring Progress: Throughout the therapy process, the therapist and individual track progress toward the established goals. Adjustments to the treatment plan may be made as needed.
  8. Closure and Transition: As the individual achieves their therapy goals or decides to conclude therapy, the therapist helps them reflect on the progress made and provides tools to continue applying what was learned outside of therapy.


Psychotherapy is a collaborative process between a trained therapist and an individual seeking help for emotional and psychological challenges. Through structured sessions, the therapist creates a safe space for the individual to explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The process involves setting goals, utilizing evidence-based techniques, and developing practical skills to improve mental health. As progress is monitored, the individual gains insight, coping tools, and strategies to address their concerns, ultimately fostering positive change and personal growth.

Psycholog i Psychoterapeuta w Centrum Zdrowia New Life Medical Gdańsk

Zadaniem naszego Centrum Zdrowia New Life Medical Gdańsk jest diagnoza i leczenie chorób oraz zaburzeń psychicznych.  Obecnie choroby psychiczne można skutecznie leczyć, jeśli tylko leki stosowane są systematycznie. Jednak najczęstsze przyczyny wizyt u psychiatry to nie choroby psychiczne, lecz objawy wynikające ze stresu, zaburzenia snu, stany lękowe, depresja, zaburzenia somatyczne na podłożu psychicznym, natręctwa, uzależnienia, zaburzenia pamięci. Dzięki trafnie dobranej farmakoterapii jesteśmy w stanie pomóc w walce z chorobą.